Hyaluronic Acid – The Youth Fountain

When people hear the word acid, they picture a dangerous chemical which will hurt, burn or peel off their skin. But not all acids are the same.

smiling girl with ponytailDiscovered by Karl Meyer in 1934, Hyaluronic acid is a very unique substance that occurs naturally in the body. It lubricates the joints and is found in spinal fluid. It also provides moisture to our cells. As we age, however, our bodies decrease the production of Hyaluronic acid. When this production decreases, we start to develop lines and wrinkles and our elastin and collagen tissues start to lose elasticity and moisture. Over time, the skin grows thinner and it becomes harder to recover from skin damage from the sun or from cuts and scrapes.

By its nature, Hyaluronic acid retains water like a sponge, absorbing more than 1000 times its weight. It literally attracts airborne water particles from the atmosphere and retains this water, thus hydrating your skin and increasing its volume and density.

Products containing Hyaluronic acid are clinically proven to effectively treat fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. This “moisture molecule” is often claimed to “reverse” or stop aging and it has been referred to as “the fountain of youth”.

lab 10546548_xl - Copy (2)Hyaluronic acid is the ideal ingredient in skin care products as it adjusts to the skin’s need for a moisturizing effect depending on the relative humidity of seasons and climate of an area. It also protects the epidermis by scavenging reactive oxygen species generated by ultra violet light which would normally cause sunspots. This acid also provides another key benefit by preventing the evaporation of water from the skin, which is very important as this water loss or de-hydration can lead to pre-mature aging.

It is easy to see why Hyaluronic acid has become the most effective hydration molecule available today and a “must have” ingredient in any serious skincare product. Thus, you will find high concentration of Hyaluronic acid in most of EILEEN MAI products, especially serums and moisturizers.


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