Category Archives: Skin Care Tips

Benefits of chemical peels

A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to smooth the texture of your skin by removing the damaged outer layers. Using chemical peel is one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of your skin. Sun exposure, acne, … Continue reading

Protect, prevent and lighten dark spots

Lose years in minutes! Fade dark spots for good with the following advice broken down into two straightforward steps: 1/Protect and prevent: First and foremost, your best line of defense is to prevent age spots in the first place. So … Continue reading

Salicylic Acid

 Salicylic Acid is also known as Betahydroxy acid or BHA. It is derived from a bitter powder that comes from the bark of a willow tree. It is a “keratolytic” (keratin-dissolving) which is the technical term for exfoliating ingredient. It … Continue reading

4 ways to improve your skin care

Good ingredients cannot make good meals, skin care also needs techniques like cooking skills. Here are some advice to make the best of your skin care process.  1. Apply the right amount: Many people use too much cream. In reality, … Continue reading


With thousands of skin care products on the market making claims that they provide the top anti-aging serums, firm up your skin, or cven out skin tone, how do you know which ones are true and which are false? Many … Continue reading

How to Choose Natural Oils for Your Skin Type

Not long ago cosmetic experts say we should use oil-free products to avoid clogging pores. But it’s time to change. Now many natural oils are our friends. Unlike synthetic oils and minerals sitting on the the skin’s surface, today many … Continue reading


Whаt аrе the exact ѕуmрtоmѕ оf clogged роrеѕ? Thе сlіnісаl nаmе fоr blосkеd роrеѕ іѕ соmеdоnе. Sіgnѕ аnd symptoms include thіngѕ lіkе blасkhеаdѕ (partially clogged pores), whiteheads (completely clogged pores), оr pimples (rеddіѕh соlоrеd іnflаmmаtіоnѕ оf the роrеѕ where оіl … Continue reading

When Your Skin-Care Products Expire

It’s easy to forget that many active ingredients—found in anti-aging creams, acne treatments, peels, and more—are surprisingly fragile. It’s only a matter of time until oxygen and heat render them useless. Here’s a guide through the various expiration dates. ANYTHING … Continue reading

Antioxidants for Effective Skin Care

Antioxidants are classified into natural or artificial substances that help prevent or slow down cell damage. These compounds can be found in various food products such as fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants can also come in the form of dietary supplements. … Continue reading

Three steps to brightening skin

1. Load up on lighteners: There are lots of vitamins and botanical that fade spots by interrupting melanin production, including vitamin C, vitamin B3 (Niacin-amide), soy, licorice, arbutin, and kojic acid. But they work in slightly different ways, so fit … Continue reading